Message from the Registrar
Our last edition of TICO talk expressed the possibility that we may take a step back before propelling forward. Together, we have just experienced a third wave of the pandemic and are just now emerging from a painful stay-at-home order where families and businesses, once again, persevered and sacrificed. Travel agencies and tour operators are now bracing for the challenges associated with pent-up demand during a period of unmatched uncertainty, where the only place we hope to experience a “fourth-wave” is at the beach.
The index of Consumer Confidence as reported by the Conference Board of Canada jumped up 6.5 points in May to 104.9 (2014 = 100), almost offsetting the 6.8 points lost last month. This index is now 87% of where we were as a nation prior to the pandemic and trending positively. The rollout of Canada’s vaccination program has finally gained the anticipated momentum reported by officials earlier this year. In Ontario, we have surpassed the 70% first dose vaccination rate for those 12 and older, meeting Ontario’s threshold to safely enter Phase 1 of the reopening plan. With this continued progress, we should soon be able to achieve the second dose vaccination targets shortly.
TICO has also been collecting our own market data from consumers and registrants. While Ontarians remain very risk conscious, there is clearly a heightened desire to travel again, and soon! Our own consumer surveys indicate that 1 -in- 2 consumers would travel now if deemed safe to do so, and if restrictions permitted. Further, our data tells us that many consumers are thinking of increasing their frequency of travel, and 2 -in- 3 are evening planning to spend the same amount or more on future travel purchases. Key to travel, other than the lifting of existing travel advisories, is the knowledge offered by TICO registered travel agencies around local health and safety advisories and restrictions, quarantine rules, vaccination roll out status, insurance coverages and overall protection of their travel investment. Consumers need to be confident that the travel information they are receiving is from a trusted and authoritative source. Which is why we always direct consumers to book their travel with a TICO registrant.
As sunnier times are upon us and travel recovery accelerates, please ensure you convey to your customers the consumer protections and benefits available to them by booking with you and your TICO registered business. Until then, and on behalf of the entire TICO team, we wish you continued good health and an enjoyable summer.
Richard Smart