A second fee waiver for registrants!
We recognize that the impact of the COVID-19 crisis continues to cause registrants severe financial strain, which is why we are pleased that the Ontario Government provided new funding to the TICO so that we can assist travel agents and wholesalers through these difficult times. This financial support will also allow us to maintain a focus on our important consumer protection mandate.
You benefit from a fee waiver for annual registration renewal fees and Travel Industry Compensation Fund payments (“Form-1”) owed to TICO between April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022. This will allow you to focus on their priority business needs without the added financial stress of meeting certain payment obligations with TICO. The waiver applies to all registrants registered with TICO as of March 31, 2021.
Note that registrants subject to the waiver are still required to complete and submit their Registration Renewal Form (without payment) and their Form-1 (without payment) by the filing deadline.
“We remain focused on maintaining consumer protection and effective regulation of Ontario’s travel industry despite the persistent and extraordinary challenges brought on by COVID-19,” said Richard Smart, TICO’s President and CEO. “We value the opportunity this assistance affords in enabling us to continue supporting our registrants during this difficult time.”
This financial relief is in addition to a similar fee waiver for registrants implemented last year for fees owing between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021.
As always, please let us know if you have any questions. Reach out at tico@tico.ca or toll free at 1-888-451-TICO (8426).
Remember to monitor and maintain your email address and update TICO promptly if there are changes to your contact or business information.