Travelling in the new normal: sharing the benefits of booking with a TICO-registered travel agency or website
TICO actively promotes the consumer protection benefits that come with booking with a TICO-registered travel agency or website.
In recent months, with travel restrictions easing and public health measures being lifted, we have been reminding consumers that the travel environment has changed and a TICO-registered travel agency or website will help to ensure no important travel details are missed.
If you don’t already, please consider following TICO’s social media accounts and sharing our consumer protection messages.
To help inform travellers about the consumer protection benefits of booking with a TICO-registered travel agency or website, we have launched a fun and educational quiz on the TICO website.
By answering a few questions about travel preferences, consumers will learn about their ‘travel persona’ while also learning about the consumer protection available to them.
Check out the quiz and consider sharing it as a fun and interactive feature on your own social media accounts!