Education Standards Updates
Recently launched: updated study manual and exams for aspiring Travel Counsellors & Supervisors/Managers On February 28, 2022, TICO in partnership with our education provider Oliver’s, launched a new digital flipbook study manual for the Travel Counsellor and Supervisor/Manager certifications.
The new manual features updated content to reflect changes in legislation, as well as a more modern appearance and user experience. All TICO exams are now based on the newly revised study manual.
The new study manual and exams are only for individuals wishing to enter the industry or become newly certified as a Supervisor/Manager. There is no new requirement for existing Travel Counsellors or Supervisors/Managers.
If you or your staff are in the process of completing either the Travel Counsellor or Supervisor/Manager certification, or are considering starting the process, a comprehensive list of FAQs can be found at this link.
Anyone registered for TICO’s Education Standards Program will automatically have access to the new study manual and exams in their Oliver’s account.
Travel Counsellor and Supervisor/Manager Certificates
TICO has recently seen an upswing in phone calls from travel agents who are looking to find their TICO T-number, to provide to new employers.
If you are a travel agency that is hiring new staff, please remember that it’s a requirement to obtain a copy of the employee’s TICO Travel Counsellor or Supervisor/Manager Certificate, not just the T-number (Ontario Regulation 26/05 – Section 16).
For individuals who are looking to get a copy of their TICO Travel Counsellor or Supervisor/Manager Certificate, please visit the Oliver’s website.
If you completed the certification process prior to January 2019 and have not created an Oliver’s account in the past, please click here.
For support, please contact Oliver’s directly.