TICO’s research shows majority of Ontario consumers believe it’s important to book through a regulated travel agency/website
In February, PMG Intelligence, an Ontario-based research company, surveyed Ontario consumers to understand the importance of regulation, awareness of TICO, and attitudes towards booking travel.
Consumers thought it was important to book with a registered travel agency or website (82%), and they expect to receive information about consumer protection from the agency they are booking with.
Survey highlights:
- Similar to 2021, 3-in-4 respondents feel TICO is valuable to them as a travel consumer, including more than 2-in-5 who feel it is very valuable.
- 3-in-5 Ontario respondents were aware of TICO, consistent with 2021 results. Those aware of TICO were most likely to learn about it from: a travel agent, word-of-mouth from family and friends, and advertising.
- 52% of Ontario respondents said they book with a TICO registered travel agency or website at least some of the time.
- Reasons for not booking with a TICO registrant include: o Perception that the cost would be higher o Tend to book simple travel on their own but use a registrant for more complicated itineraries o Unaware of consumer protection benefits o Prefer to do their own bookings
Working together to inform consumers The travel environment has changed since the pandemic and consumers see the value and importance of a regulated travel industry and booking with a regulated business.
TICO regularly communicates the consumer protection benefits that come with booking with a TICO registered travel agency or website through its consumer awareness campaign. Flip to page 6 for more details.
To further enhance consumers’ awareness and knowledge, TICO registrants can consider sharing messaging about consumer protection with their clients.
Coming soon - updated Registrant Toolkit
To help support this, TICO will be launching an updated Registrant Toolkit in the near future.
This will include a consumer handout in 15 languages, shareable blog posts and social media posts, videos and more. Additional details will be shared soon!