TICO's Annual General Meeting
TICO's 2020 Annual General Meeting was held on September 17 at the Corporate Event Centre in Mississauga. For the first time in TICO's history, it was a combined in-person and virtual meeting, where participants were encouraged to log on via Zoom. It looked a little different than AGM's past, with in-person participants adhering to social distancing and health and safety protocols, including wearing masks for the duration of the meeting.
Minister of Government and Consumer Services Lisa Thompson We were honoured to have Minister Thompson join us to address participants and provide her insights into the past fiscal year. She echoed the sentiments of many as she highlighted the numerous challenges, we and the travel industry as a whole have faced, and the uncertainty that lies ahead as this pandemic continues. She praised TICO for our efforts in supporting registrants through this trying time while never wavering from our mandate of consumer protection.
Board Chair Jean Hébert and CEO Richard Smart both provided their insights and information pertaining to fiscal reporting, social responsibility, recent government funding to assist registrants, as well as new Board appointments.
The Board of Directors renamed Jean Hébert as Chair and re-elected Scott Stewart as Vice-Chair. Marc Patry’s three-year tenure as Board member ended and Doug Ellison of Ellison Tours was elected as the newest TICO Board member. He will serve for a two-year term.
Click here to watch a recording of the AGM.