Bringing diversity, inclusivity and
equality to the forefront
Earlier this year, we were all shocked at the inhumane and unjust deaths of George
Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Regis Korchinski-Paquet, and too many others. These racial and
social injustices are reflective of broader systemic racism in our society that has gone
unchecked for far too long.
Gone are the days when employers can simply ignore issues of inequality in the
workplace. It's time to talk about racism. Although these kinds of discussions can be
uncomfortable, they are important and necessary to have. They spark acknowledgement,
they spark education and understanding, and they spark the need for action. As an
organization, we have begun to reflect on these issues with greater intention and have all
agreed that to "say nothing” is simply not acceptable.
At TICO we are actively engaging in meaningful conversations. We are asking tough
questions. We are evaluating our core values and our business practices to ensure they
reflect who we are and who we need to be. And we are considering how best to respond
to Black Lives Matter and other issues relating to systemic racism. There has never been
a better or more important time for us and for registrants to demonstrate our ongoing
commitment to fostering a workplace of diversity, inclusivity and equality.